

1 Pound



Bangs Island Mussels is a climate-positive family sea farm, cultivating mussels and kelp in complete harmony with the ocean. We’re on a mission to produce nutritious, delicious, and sustainable seafood that feeds our communities while helping the planet.

Apart from their incredible taste and versatility in the kitchen, we love mussels because they are good for the ocean. Farming mussels is one of the most sustainable forms of producing protein on the planet: they require no feed, freshwater, arable land, fertilizer, or chemicals of any kind. Growing them as we do contributes to healthy ecosystems. Our rafts create habitat and structure for other organisms, promoting biodiversity and providing food sources for a variety of marine species. Mussels are highly effective filter feeders, improving the water quality around them simply by living and growing.

Bangs Island Mussels are hand-raised using techniques that are meticulous and labor intensive to achieve our signature meat to shell ratio and clean ocean flavor. We nurture and harvest our mussels with the utmost care, relying on our workers’ knowledgeable hands instead of powerful and damaging machines to get the job done right. The extra time and effort that we put into Bangs Island Mussels pays off in extended shelf life and premium meat quality.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 13.25 × 11.5 × 2.375 in